• Image of "Godless" E.P. - Hard Copy

Released March 23rd @ Studio 7 in Seattle, WA.

This Ground breaking E.P. Will destroy what you thought you knew about DJ FALLEN.

"With the ever changing musical force , that is DJ fallen
I did not quite know what to expect when I pushed the play button,
but when I finally took the plunge, what came out of the speakers
instantly took me back to the early works of Bryan Erickson (Velvet Acid Christ)
and let me tell you, the vibe was chilling!
Elements of fear and urgency hit you instantly overwhelming you like a dark undertow.
Now, add in some heavy tribal drums , alien visitors, conspiracy theory's
and a slight curve into the occult , and all layered over a musical landscape
that can only be described as Psychotic! Symphonic ! and beautiful !!
ladies and gentlemen
welcome to
-Album Review by Craig 'Rabbit' Meech, 2017